Can you tell us a bit about your story and how you got to where you are today?
My name is Kris. I'm a model, content creator, and a tattoo artist. My journey began in Russia, Siberia, where I was born and raised. I've always been a dreamer with big aspirations. Sitting still was never my thing; it pushed me to break away from the norm and focus on turning my dreams into reality. After two years of university study, I was expelled, marking the beginning of my journey to self-discovery.
Over time, I've held numerous jobs, most of which I was fired from. It became clear to me that I wasn't cut out for traditional employment. I knew that I was into art, modeling and photography and I needed to figure out how to monetize my hobbies so I wouldn’t ever have a feeling that I’m working.
Modeling and photography presented clear paths forward, with art - I decided to try tattooing and that was one of the best decisions of my life. Once I felt comfortable pursuing all my passions, I made another life-changing decision: to move to Bali, Indonesia. The radically different environment from where I was born a raised have changed my life upside down! I discovered my potential in all areas and significantly improved my skills. I’ve met so many beautiful souls, super talented, open-minded individuals who became my greatest supporters.
After a few years, I decided it was time to fulfill one of my biggest dreams: living in Los Angeles. The 15-year-old me wouldn't have believed it possible, but now I've been in Los Angeles, California, for the past few years, building my career and surrounded by amazing people. I am supper grateful for all the opportunities that led me to where I am right now and I’m supper excited to see where life will bring me next!

How did you get into tattooing?
As I previously mentioned, I was always into art. When I was in high school, I used to draw all the time, literally everywhere. Sometimes, I even had problems in school because of this hobby of mine. I drew different animals, anime characters, patterns, and many other things. That’s why after school, I made the decision to study the design of architectural environments. Even though it was an interesting direction for me, I had an issue with sitting still and studying, which is why I wasn’t able to stay there for more than two years. After I was expelled, I just started to bring my sketchbook anywhere I went and drew whatever I wanted.
I was always drawing graphic sketches with a black pen, and whenever people saw my drawings, they always asked why I hadn't started doing tattoos yet. And I genuinely didn’t have an answer to that question, but I guess I was scared, because whatever I tattoo on people will stay with them for life. After three years of drawing all the time and people constantly asking me the same damn question, the decision was made, and I got a tattoo machine! By that time, I was surrounded by a few really amazing tattoo artists who were constantly giving me the best advice and teaching me everything I needed to know! And this is how everything started.
What do you need a little more of in your life right now?
Right now I would love to have a few extra hours in a day and the ability of not needing to sleep haha There are so many thing I’d love to do, and it feels like time flies so fast.

If you could give one key piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Keep dreaming and whatever you feel like you should do - do it and never stop!
What is one of your favorite quotes?
There are actually two quotes I really love. The first one is “Trust the process”. This simple quote has helped me through many complicated situations in my life by reminding me that everything that happens has a purpose and a reason. Even if it's difficult or painful right now, it's just a part of the process that leads us to a better future where we become the best versions of ourselves.
The second is “The best revenge is massive success”. Not a very peaceful quote, I know, haha, but we are not perfect and if we can turn our imperfections into something productive, I'm here for it!
What (or who) inspires you?
People, movies, and music! Right now, I’m in my biggest creative era, and it’s all because of the people who are supporting me. I feel super inspired and I feel like I have a purpose, a mission in this life! It's amazing how the support of others can fuel our creative drive and give us a sense of direction.

How do you choose the best sunglasses for your outfit?
Most of my wardrobe is black, so it's not that hard to pick the perfect pair, especially when I have such an incredible collection of Saint Owen sunglasses. Usually, it depends on how I feel. If I'm feeling romantic - I wear a cat-eye shape, if I'm not wearing any makeup and/or feeling like hiding - the bigger, the better, if I'm wearing a classy outfit, a thin frame it is!
What do you like about sunglasses?
I love how sunglasses can instantly add style and personality to any outfit while also providing protection for my eyes. Plus, they're a fun accessory to play around with different shapes and styles! Sometimes, they can even act as a mental shield from the world, providing a sense of privacy when needed.